Canadian Psoriasis Network
Board of Directors

Simmie Smith PresidentSimmie Smith, B.A, M.B.A.


Simmie was diagnosed with psoriasis at the age of 9 and psoriatic arthritis at the age of 20. As a board member, she is keen to pursue new strategies aimed at eliminating the devastating effects of the disease through research, advocacy and education. Her own journey living with the condition and always seeking the latest treatment plans motivates her to find ways to support and educate others. We may be diagnosed with the same condition but we all need to find a treatment plan that works best. Simmie continues to seek ways to learn more about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and living with it.

A Word From The President

I am proud and honoured to assume the role of President of the Canadian Psoriasis Network. I am a passionate advocate for the inclusion of people living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in our community. Over one million Canadians suffer from the disease and it is my goal to work with our Board to continue to build a strong Network to raise awareness and increase the understanding of our disease. The ultimate goal is to reduce the suffering and help people live their lives to the fullest. Today, we have treatment options unavailable to us previously. There are new treatment options becoming available frequently as research progresses however, it is important for us to continue to collaborate with stakeholders in the ongoing quest for a cure. I hope you will join me in this mission. It will happen with the strategic focus of dedicated Canadians who are impacted by the disease. If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact me at

Simmie Smith, B.A, M.B.A.
President, Canadian Psoriasis Network

Brian MoherBrian Moher

Vice President

Brian is a lawyer whose practice is based in Toronto, Ontario. His litigation practice is focused on all areas of health law. Outside of his legal practice, Brian works as a researcher, writer, and speaker in the field of medicine with an emphasis on psychiatry. Psoriasis has affected Brian’s family for several generations. Brian is dedicated to merging his legal and medical knowledge to ensure optimum patient treatment and care.

Andrew GosseAndrew Gosse

Director (Founder and Past President)

Andrew is from St. John’s, Newfoundland and has had severe psoriasis for just over 25 years. Over the years he has taken part in many clinical trials in an effort to get his symptoms under control which would enable a normal quality of life. Now having been almost 100% clear for over 7 years he dedicates his free time to educating, encouraging and speaking to others suffering from psoriasis to help them achieve the same.

Odarka DecykOdarka Decyk


Odarka Decyk is a CPA, CA and holds a Bachelor of Arts, Honours Chartered Accounting degree from the University of Waterloo. Currently she is President of the MFDA Investor Protection Corporation, a compensation fund for Members of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada. Previously she was an Associate Partner with KPMG LLP for over 20 years. She is committed to helping organizations through her experience and bringing hope to people suffering by ensuring CPN has the resources it needs to fill its mandate.